Emotional Intelligence


What is Emotional Intelligence?


“The capacity for recognising our own feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves, for managing emotions in ourselves and in our workplace relationships.”

          D Goleman (1998) Working with Emotional Intelligence

Why does Emotional Intelligence matter?

• For all roles in business, Emotional Intelligence is twice as important as cognitive abilities.

• Emotional Intelligence is 85-90% of what sets outstanding leaders apart.

• Emotional Intelligence is recognised as a key factor for high performance in business.


How do you recognise someone with Emotional Intelligence (EI)?

• You get warmth and respect from them

• They don’t play power games

• They know what they want and can communicate it clearly

• They remember small personal details about you

• People with Emotional Intelligence are open to opportunities and are optimistic about the outcome

• You feel warmth and respect for them

• They are good at networking

• They know how to be firm and challenging without spoiling relationships

• They don’t see mistakes as failures, just information

• Emotionally intelligent people look for win-win solutions


How can we help you apply Emotional Intelligence?

How can we help you apply Emotional Intelligence?

At ResolveHR we use an approach that uncovers the internal interferences that stop you achieving your potential and inhibit successful performance. We utilise a range of coaching tools and techniques to help you plan actions to take you forward to achieve your potential.

Executive, Team and Personal Development Coaching

jca global logo resolvehrDevelop your leadership and management skills through coaching. Using the powerful JCA Emotional Intelligence Profile on-line questionnaire helps you discover and overcome barriers to successful performance in all areas of your life. Over 300 coaching clients have described the benefits they have gained, including greater clarity and achievement of goals, improved two-way communication, increased credibility as an effective leader and manager and enhanced work-life balance.

Coaching Workshops

We run half or full day events that help participants have a common understanding of the importance and impact of Emotional Intelligence in their relationships with other team members, staff and customers.

These include:

• Introduction to Emotional Intelligence

• Applying Emotional Intelligence at Work

• Improving Management Skills through Emotional Intelligence

• Emotional Intelligence and Motivational Leadership

• Improving Customer Service through Emotional Intelligence

To find out more about how ResolveHR could promote the development of Emotional Intelligence in your organisation, contact us today.


Over 300 people have been given insights into ‘what makes them tick’ as we are licensed to administer the JCA Emotional Intelligence Profile (EIP), a scientifically validated and industry recognised questionnaire, designed to measure Emotional Intelligence. Once completed they received skilled feedback and guidance from a qualified ResolveHR coach.

70% were short of the level of self-esteem needed to confidently handle many aspects of their lives at home and at work.


Confidence Case Study

One newly promoted Manager lacked confidence in her skills and we developed a programme to improve her management. The extra insight she gained from completing the Emotional Intelligence questionnaire led to her tackling a major issue in her personal life. This led to increased confidence at work and with managing her staff.


“Thank you for your wonderful coaching sessions and all the useful resources and advice.  It has been really, hugely liberating and empowering. I know and believe, if I continue practising all that you have taught me I will be a far stronger person.”


Research reveals the annual cost of sickness absence for UK organisations has climbed to a staggering £29 billion, a number that could be greatly reduced if more employers focused on the health and wellbeing of their people.

A small budget can deliver a high return on investment. There are plenty of simple, inexpensive ways to improve the physical and mental wellbeing of your employees for minimal outlay.

It’s not just about supplying bowls of fruit and access to drinking water. For example, allowing reasonable flexible working; cycle to work schemes; local gym membership; fitness challenges and competition. Plus supportive managers and teams can have a major effect on morale and the emotionally intelligent culture of your workplace.

Learn more about Wellbeing >>

Speak to us today

To find out how we can help you develop your staff

Call us now on:

Tel: 0844 41 41 830 

Mob: 07850 049734